North Vancouver Social Plans – Phase 1

The City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver collaborated to better understand the social landscape and collective well-being of their respective communities and neighbourhoods. Together, they initiated Phase 1 of the North Vancouver Social Plans and engaged our CitySpaces team to facilitate the Social Plans Phase 1 process. The Social Plans Phase 1 included preparing:

  • Emerging Trends in Social Policy: A brief research memo on emerging trends in social policy including social impact assessments (SIA), collective impact processes, data sharing/open data, and social return on investment (SROI).
  • Social Research and Issues Report: A baseline document with relevant social indicators.
  • Engagement Summary Report: Highlights of what we heard from community consultation.
  • Social Gaps Report: A summary of the gaps in the City and District’s social infrastructure, such as services, facilities, systems and networks.

A very rewarding component of the Social Plans Phase 1 process was community engagement. Over 2,150 residents from both the City and the District were engaged through a variety of activities including:

  • 6 focus groups;
  • 4 community workshops;
  • 24 listening post stations;
  • 6 pop-up events;
  • 10 kitchen table talks;
  • 1 caring community deep dive event; and,
  • A survey that received 938 responses.

The City and the District are already utilizing outcomes from the Social Plans Phase 1 process and will be working towards creating a Community Well Being Strategy (City) and updating social policy as part of the anticipated Official Community Plan Update (District).

Project Type

Project Team


Jada Basi


Julia Bahen

Senior Community Planner

Talia Kerr

Graphic Designer