Southern Gulf Islands Tourism Partnership Society – Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Housing Supply Challenge

On behalf of Southern Gulf Islands Housing Coalition, Southern Gulf Islands Tourism Partnership Society (SGITPS) applied for funding under Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Supply Challenge to develop an innovation solution to address the housing crisis in the region. The Stage 1 proposal outlined a solution that would involve the creation of pre-development tools and a dedicated navigator role to facilitate construction of affordable rental housing for local island residents and workers. The application was successful, providing SGITPS with funding to prototype the proposed solution through Stage 2 of the Housing Supply Challenge. With funding secured, CitySpaces was engaged to complete engagement with interested and affected parties across the Southern Gulf Islands. 

To define the parameters of the proposed service, CitySpaces engaged with government, First Nations, local builders and developers, housing advocates, and other Southern Gulf Island residents to learn more about the existing challenges in building new housing. The key findings helped to inform adjustments to the proposed Housing Navigation Service, in support of a more fulsome Southern Gulf Islands Housing Entity, which would be a dedicated non-profit housing centre capable of assisting applicants with the development approvals process, while also providing research, education, capacity-building, and advocacy support services. While the Phase 2 application was unsuccessful, the project strengthened relationships among government officials and housing advocates across the Southern Gulf Islands. 

Final report here.

CLIENT: Southern Gulf Islands Tourism Partnership Society